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Psico Pronto Soccorso

Psico Pronto Soccorso is an organization of psychologists dedicated to facilitating individuals’ access to psychological services in the local area.


Design and Development of www.psicoprontosoccorso.it, a
WordPress website for a psychologists’ association, crafted using Elementor.
Tasks included:

  • UX/UI design;
  • creation of icons (Adobe Illustrator);
  • graphics development (Adobe Photoshop);
  • Web Design using Elementor.

Starting resources: association logo, color palette, text, and photos of founding members.

Mockup Homepage for the Psico Pronto Soccorso Association’s website.

Web design proposal (Desktop version) created using Photoshop.

Help illustration
Worried Woman illustration
Freud Illustration
Contact illustration
Calendar illustration

Illustrations of services created in Adobe Illustrator, used in initial draft for the ‘Services’ page of the Psico Pronto Soccorso Association’s website.


Design and Development of www.psicoprontosoccorso.it, a
WordPress website for a psychologists’ association, crafted using Elementor.
Tasks included:

  • UX/UI design;
  • creation of icons (Adobe Illustrator);
  • graphics development (Adobe Photoshop);
  • Web Design using Elementor.

Starting resources: association logo, color palette, text, and photos of founding members.

Worried Woman illustration
Freud Illustration

Mockup Homepage for the Psico Pronto Soccorso Association’s website.

Web design proposal (Desktop version) created using Photoshop.

Calendar illustration
Contact illustration
Help illustration

Illustrations of services created in Adobe Illustrator, used in initial draft for the ‘Services’ page of the Psico Pronto Soccorso Association’s website.